eBook Tips Learned from Mama Tricks

by Allison Horton on

Great content?  Innovative marketing?  Beautiful design?  Mama Tricks: Wrapping Your Head Around Motherhood author Carol Kaufmann has leveraged all of these keys to eBook success, and her sales are rocketing.

Carol started with great content: essays from her column on her friend's blog, The Well Mom, about tricks she's learned through her own parenting experience to survive—and flourish—in motherhood.  Each chapter provides a personal story, the lesson learned, and a concise tip.  The beauty in Mama Tricks is that Carol does not provide the how-to's of classic parenting books (e.g. how to change a diaper) but rather gives readers perspective and means of overcoming the confusion or agony in your head.

Recently released on Vook's store, Mama Tricks demonstrates the power of eBooks.  Carol tells Vook three benefits to releasing Mama Tricks as an eBook:

1) The digital format allowed her to "get these essays out there and doing so through a print publisher would have taken much longer (or not happened at all!)."

2) Specifically for busy parents—or busy people in general—who don't have time to visit and browse bookstores, eReaders provide a quick and easy way to obtain the books you want.

3) The quick timing afforded by eBooks leverages an author's marketing abilities.  For example, books related to holidays can be timed perfectly for sale on the major online retailers.  Carol released Mama Tricks when her hardcover book Safari debuted.  She could bounce the books' publicity off of each other.  "I notice that people are buying Safari as a gift and Mama Tricks for themselves," says Carol.

Why not treat yourself to the eBook too?  Preview and purchase Mama Tricks on Vook's store and visit Carol on her website and blog.

P.S. We at Vook can't help but notice the author's excellent eBook marketing.  Great cover, great website, great metadata (so say our VookMakers)…go Carol!

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