Ready for Launch Part 2: Author Websites

by Livia Nicolai on

Book marketing is an ongoing process, and many authors choose to wait until the title is live to start their marketing efforts. But why wait? We've dedicated a series of blog posts to pre-launch marketing activities; while last week we focused on social media, we're now going over how authors can get started with their websites.

The big benefit of an author website is that you are in control. Being in charge of the content means that you can focus your readers' attention on the strengths of your book. Highlight the themes and symbols that you'd like them to notice. Since reviews will only come out after the book has been launched, what you tell your visitors here is all they can refer to. This is a great opportunity for your book to be perceived exactly the way you want it to.

To convert visitors into readers, we suggest you also do the following on your website:

  1. Include a book preview: Offer a peek of your ebook to draw customers in. For example, let them preview the first chapter or two of your book or an excerpt that ends with a cliffhanger. Once again, it's all about highlighting your book's strengths while drumming up anticipation.
  2. Include a newsletter signup form: Even if you can’t get visitors to buy your book or click on a link to view it on Amazon, you can increase the odds that they’ll return by capturing their email address.
  3. Build a community: Make your website personal and engage your audience. For example, send friendly notes to visitors, and display links to social media as to stay in touch with visitors who want to see more of you.

When your book release comes up, make sure your launch is the central focus of your website. Include recognizable retailer links so fans can finally purchase your book - quickly and easily. If you want to learn more, check out our free guide on websites for authors. Next up on Vook's blog? Pre-launch blogging!

On a related note, Vook has partnered with Authro to build custom author websites. Visit Vook to learn more and get an Authro discount.

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